Tips for dog owners
- Train your dog either on your own or in a professional training class
- Train your dog twice a day for 10 mins each time
- Allocate time to spend with your dog so they do not feel lonely
- Spay your dog (Helps to reduce the number of stray dogs roaming the street).
- Dogs must never be allowed outside your compound without a leash, accompany your dog on their walk.
- Pick up after your dog on their walk.
- Pick up after your dog, train them to defecate at appropriate areas
- Do not tie them up all day, train them to behave inside and outside your home.
- Do not hit your dog. This will only cause fear or resentment for the owner.
- Use voice corrections or positive reinforcements
- Remember to reward your dog when they do something right. Simple pat, hug, toy or treat will do.